



The latest week-end shed a beam of light
 upon the cloudy mountains.
It seemed as if time had been expanding.
It was at least two years that we hadn't seen our friends.
We drove three hours along countryside to reach
Remi's Bday party
 and basked with many others in a candy night at their heavenly place.

Oh, I didn't say it yet
but I could finally relish the Milenka concert in Nice,
 few days ago.
Their new album I was yearning for
 is even better than the previous one...
Gem musical arrangements
  and the incredibly moving Gini's voice.
She was wearing an airy silk dress she made herself 
which harmonized ideally with the universe of their songs.
They blown my mind.
I was lucky enough to see them
 before they leave the theater
where they were performing.
And I had a surprise.
 She brought the sweetest gifts especially for me.
Can you imagine my big *grin*
I will post some pictures for sure ! 

6 commentaires:

milenka a dit…

hellO, c'est oOmiaq
merci pour ton message sur l'album, ce sont nos premiers retours et ça fait vraiment plaisir, on sort à peine de notre cachette pour le faire écouter!
à bientôt à toi et ton compagnon, passe lu le bonjour!

milenka a dit…
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lilie-melo a dit…

Hello mister oomiaq, c'est un plaisir de te voir par ici :)
Pour l'album, je suis sûre que beaucoup vont l'adorer !
Je vous souhaite de belles rencontre à Paris et que vous puissiez faire connaître votre travail plus amplement car franchement c'est magnifique.

Anna Emilia a dit…

Sounds like a good weekend!
Hopefully this one is sunny too for you. Thank you for your visit and your words! Be well!

Anonyme a dit…

what lovely photos. the disco ball one is my favorite :)

xo Alison

lilie-melo a dit…

Hi Anna emilia :)
Thenextarrow thanks for your visit and your words !

Ma photo
VAR, France
Hello, Here I'm musing and sharing my visual diary, my mood and my inspiration. Thanks for visiting this small place. Drop me few words when you have a moment. I'm very curious to read your feeling and to discover who is passing by...